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  • March 13, 2020 11:59 AM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    The Annual Conference has been postponed.

    Friends, what a difference 24 hours can make! The Conference Committee met today and decided to postpone the 2020 Annual Conference.

    At this time we do not intend to outright cancel the conference but instead will look for another date. We do not have a date yet. Our committee will take the next four weeks to listen to the recommendations from the Oregon Health Authority and Governor, CDC, and other health officials before deciding what our next step will be.


    We're holding all registrations as they stand. Meaning if you are registered, you would still be registered for the conference when it is moved to new dates. This goes for exhibitors, school attendees, and speakers. You will have an opportunity to cancel registration with no penalty if the new dates don't work for you.

    For school attendees: If you would rather cancel your registration, you may by emailing osfma@osfma.org. We will not charge a cancellation fee and we will refund any fees paid.

    For exhibitors: You may cancel your registration by emailing osfma@osfma.org. However, there is no guarantee a space would be available once we announce a rescheduled show. We understand you may not be able to attend during the new dates so cancellation will be accepted without penalty once the new dates are announced. If you'd like to keep the booth you have and wait to see the outcome, we will maintain the exhibit hall as it is.

    If We Cancel

    Any fees you have paid will be returned upon a full cancellation of our conference.
  • January 23, 2020 4:07 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Applications are available for the Doug Lemley Scholarship for graduating seniors from schools and school districts who have an OSFMA member.

    Applications must be postmarked by March 6, 2020 to be considered.

    More information and the application are available on the scholarship page.
  • September 11, 2019 12:56 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Attend this one day conference at the location of your choice. All maintenance, grounds, custodial, and facilities staff will benefit so bring your whole team.
    Business Partners will be on hand to share their services and products.

    Roseburg - Roseburg High School Student Center
    Portland - Holiday Inn Wilsonville
    Bend - Sunriver Resort

    Light breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included for the $30 per person registration fee.

    Members may register multiple staff by "adding guests" during the registration process.

    The agendas differ slightly from location to location. Check out which one has the topics that most interest you.

    Register Now!

  • August 09, 2018 4:45 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Save the Date!

    October 12, 2018

    OSFMA will host two Mini-Conferences this year. Both conferences will be on October 12, and will have roughly the same agenda.


    • Roseburg
    • Portland metro area

    Stay tuned for details, registration costs, and other information.

  • August 09, 2018 4:20 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    The OSFMA Board of Directors recently completed the application process for the newly created Partner Member representative position to the board of directors. After reviewing, selecting finalists, and interviewing the top candidates, the board has appointed Jennifer Lee as the first Partner Member representative to the Board of Directors.

    Jennifer works for ServPro of Gresham and is very excited to work alongside the board and membership.

    The Partner Member to the Board serves as liaison between the Board and all partner members. They serve a non-voting, two-year term and are appointed by the Board of Directors.

  • May 23, 2018 3:00 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Over the last year, the OSFMA Board of Directors embarked on a restatement of the Association's Bylaws. Their intention was to update them for best practices and fix inconsistencies that arose from modifications made over the years.

    But perhaps the most exciting change to the Bylaws is the addition of a Partner Member position to serve on the Board of Directors. This position is the culmination of discussions about how to better involve OSFMA's Business Partners in the organization and is the start of their work to provide great resources, access to school members, and a greater community of people committed to the success of public and private schools in Oregon.

    Letters of Interest must be received by June 8, 2018. Visit the Partner Member page to find out more information and review the position responsibilities.

  • April 16, 2018 11:14 AM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    During the 2018 Annual Business Meeting, members in attendance voted on two leadership positions and one measure related to the Bylaws of the Association.

    The membership voted to elect Vonnie Good, longtime OSFMA member and Vonnie Good picEnvironmental Health Specialist for Salem-Keizer School District, to the Vice-President position. Vonnie will serve one year terms in each of the Vice President, President Elect, President, and Past President positions.

    Jon von Behren, the current Secretary/Treasurer was re-elected toJon von Behren serve for another two year term. Jon works for Oregon Episcopal School in Portland.

    The Bylaws, as proposed, were approved unanimously by membership. A summary of the changes is still available. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jon von Behren, Chair of the Bylaws Sub-committee.

    Zone Meetings

    The terms of the Zone Directors of Zones 3 and 4 ended April 2018. During the Zone Meetings held at the Annual Conference, each zone held an election for a new Zone Director.

    Zone 3 elected a new Zone Director, Tracy Grauf, from Roseburg School District. Tracy will serve a two year term as Zone Director and on the Board of Directors.

    Zone 4 chose to re-elected Walt Norris for another two year term.

  • February 20, 2018 1:10 PM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Members of OSFMA now have access to past workshop, conference and other materials provided at trainings and meetings. The archive will include checklists, forms and presentations and be updated as events happen.

    Were you at the 2017 Mini-Conference? The keynote presentation Working in a Multi-Generational Workforce is posted on the Tools and Handouts page.

    Take a look at all the resources available ....

  • January 29, 2018 11:29 AM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

    Applications are available for the Lemley Scholarship for graduating seniors from schools and school districts who have an OSFMA member.

    Applications must be postmarked by March 9, 2018 to be considered.

    More information is on the scholarship page.

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Oregon School Facilities Management Association

707 13th St SE, Ste 100, Salem, Oregon 97301
p: 503-480-7209 |

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