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Membership Renewal Season Starts Soon

January 22, 2024 11:34 AM | Josie Hummert (Administrator)

Membership requires renewal by April 1, each year, regardless of when you joined OSFMA.

School member dues have been set at $50 for the 2024-2025 year. 

Consider the benefits of your membership: 

COMMUNITY - OSFMA members connect through Zone Meetings, the Listserv, and at conferences to share best practices and discuss hot topics. The community being built by membership serves to support the profession.

MAGAZINE - The quarterly magazine is full of great ideas, the latest information, and business member information.

LEARNING - whether at a conference, a webinar, or by invitations to participate in educational partner organization learning opportunities, members have access to loads of resources and people who can help. 

DISCOUNTS - Members receive discounted registration rates for events. 

The Renewal Process

An email that looks like an invoice will be sent to you about 40 days in advance. 

This email is the only invoice you will receive. You must login to your account to pay with a credit card or forward this invoice to your accounts payable department for payment by check. If you do not receive an email, the invoice can be downloaded or paid by logging into your OSFMA account.

Your OSFMA username is your email address.


OSFMA accepts checks or credit cards. 

Credit Card - Payment must be made through your member profile while logged in. OSFMA does not accept credit cards over the phone.

Checks - Checks may be mailed to OSFMA, 707 13th St SE Ste 100, Salem, OR 97301

Oregon School Facilities Management Association

707 13th St SE, Ste 100, Salem, Oregon 97301
p: 503-480-7209 |

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